Vitamin D

Vitamin D
Get from regular sunlight exposure 10 min at a time.

The benefits of vitamin D and its derivatives to the immune system are well known and it is becoming more obvious how vital Vitamin D is in supporting overall health.
Along with massive benefits for your immune system, Vitamin D is very important for your teeth, bones, brain, and arteries.

There are 5 forms of Vitamin D (D1-­‐D5)
Vitamin D3 appears to be the most beneficial form of Vitamin D.
Vitamin D3 (also known as cholecalciferol), has been discovered to be extremely effective against the growth of cancer cells.
It appears that one of vitamin D3’s receptors is capable of slowing down the production of colon cancer cells.
A vital protein in the carcinogenic process of this type of cancer could be slowed down if it came in contact with vitamin D3. Known as beta-­‐catenin, this protein is typically found in intestinal epithelial cells, where it promotes growth during the transformation of the tumor. ie the tumor will eventually become malignant it the protein is allowed to build up in the cancer cells.
If there is plenty of vitamin D in the diet, the potential tumor will have less chance to turn malignant.
The Vitamin D prevents the protein from stimulating cell growth by cutting short the chain of events that can result in the formation of tumors.

If you live in a cold climate, chances are that you are vitamin D deficient, and you are a prime candidate for contracting cancer, because you are not getting enough sunlight!
Your body can produce Vitamin D from sunlight which is the best way to obtain it. Get out in the sun and enrich your diet with this vital vitamin before the VDR in your system runs out completely! Take supplements if required.
Get the two Vitamin D blood tests done,
“optimal” Vitamin D level is around the high-­‐end of normal which is 80-­‐100 ng/ml.

Poor quality synthetic vitamins are everywhere!
Much of the Vitamin D on the market is solvent extracted from sheep’s wool. WHY would you want to take a Vitamin D product where they used a chemical solvent to extract it from sheep’s wool?

Never forget that your body can produce Vitamin D naturally if your cholesterol levels are normal and your liver, kidneys, and gut are all functioning normally.
Cholesterol is good for you.
When sunlight comes into contact with your skin, it actually converts cholesterol into Vitamin D.
If the body is starved of this key vitamin due to lack of sun exposure or even due to an image-­‐ conscious society, we are depriving ourselves of vitamins that can actually make us healthier and prevent cancer from taking hold of our bodies.

Vitamin D is a fat and in order for your body to absorb Vitamin D, you need bile. Bile is produced in the liver and stored in the gall bladder so you need to have your gall bladder working at 100%,

Thyroid and Low levels of 25(OH)D along with elevated levels of 1,25(OH)2D has been documented in several autoimmune disorders. It has been suggested that VDR dysregulation resulting from infections or disease results in decreased CYP24 activity resulting in increased 1,25(OH)2D levels which in turn result in decreased 25(OH)D levels as a result of the physiologic negative feedback.
Lower serum 1,25(OH)2D but not 25(OH)D has been documented in patients with thyroid cancer as compared with normal individuals.

Remember that Vitamin D is NOT a vitamin, it is a hormone, A FAT, and if your gall bladder is not working, you will not absorb Vitamin D!

Sunshine and Vitamin D3

Science continues to support the fact that high levels of heart healthy, fat-soluble vitamins and minerals are key to keeping your body free of cancer. And recently, there has been considerable progress regarding the role that fat-soluble vitamin D3 plays in cancer prevention.

The Best Way to Get Vitamin D

To best prevent breast cancer, research suggests you should supplement so that your vitamin D3 levels are at least 40-60 ng/ml and up to 80 ng/ml.†

The sweet spot you’re shooting for is 50-70 ng/ml. Here’s the best way to get there:
•Optimize vitamin D3 through 20 minutes of sun exposure everyday. This is best done by exposing 40 percent of your body to the sun between 10 am and 2 pm.
•Take an oral supplement containing around 5,000 to 10,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily. Because they are fat-soluble, make sure that you take them with some healthy “fatty” foods containing coconut oil or a probiotic-rich drink like kefir.

It can be challenging to find a pure supplement on the market, so try to find a combination formula of astaxanthin, omega-3 fish oil and vitamin D3.

Jan 272017

Where to get supplies

link main content / DV Dose needed other content dose needed dose needed
 Gaia-Herbs-Thyroid-Support-60-Vegetarian-Liquid-Phyto-Caps Iodine  from seaweed 100 mcg 67% DV  start with kelp tablets that contain 325 mcg. increase over time

take with 200 mcg of selenium

 L-Tyrosine 200 mg  Ashwagandha root extract 80 mg  500mg 1-2x daily
Iodine 7% 12mg (3 drops) daily.
Selenium 100ug
Planetary-Herbals-Ashwagandha-Liquid-Herbal-Extract-Lemon-Flavor-2-fl-oz  Organic Ashwagandha Root Extract 2.5 mL  500mg 1-2x daily



 1,2,3,4.5 mg  3mg – 4.5mg / day

100% Turmeric

Melatonin 3mg
 Collodial Silver  1ml /day
Vitamin D3 5,000 to 10,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily
Mushroom 6 turkey tail 500mg

shiitake 367mg

reiishi 300mg

 1 to 2 capsules once to three times daily
Symbiotique Lactobacillus rhamnosus (HA-111)

Bifidobacterium bifidum (HA-132)

Bifidobacterium longum (HA-135)

(3g) into your breakfast cereal, juice or water. Consume once or twice daily
 Lemon Balm  300-1200 mg daily in tea or capsules
 Echinacea  300-500 mg up to three times daily
 Licorice  150-300 mg / day
 Zinc Citrate  30-60 mg
 St John’s Wort  300-600 mg/day



Supply Support

Jan 262017

Video – Natural Solutions for Thyroid Disorders

44 minutes


Top things to do to treat Hashimotos

4 min

Thyroid Pharmacist Izabella Wentz

  • Reduce Stress
  • Supplements for nutrient deficiencies
  • Reduce / remove Gluten
  • Careful diet – Sugar free, Grain free, Dairy free, Paleo, Low GI index
  • Supplements B12, D3, digestive enzymes, ferritin/ iron, omega 3
    Selenium 200 mcg, Betaine with pepsin, Curcumin, Zinc 30 mg, l- Glutamine
  • Lifestyle changes – relaxation, massage, sauna
  • TSH levels <1-2
  • LDN
  • Probiotics or fermented foods

The Elimination Diet
Dr. Izabella Wentz with Tom Malterre on the Elimination Diet

45 min

The most common triggers in Hashimoto’s are nutrient deficiencies, food sensitivities, intestinal permeability (leaky gut), stress, an impaired ability to get rid of toxins and in some cases, infections. Optimizing your health starts with food. Figuring out which foods nourish you, and which ones cause you harm is the single most important thing you can learn in your health journey.

I’ve found that recognizing and eliminating reactive foods can be a life-changer for most people with Hashimoto’s.

Reactive foods trigger an inflammatory response in the GI tract, leading to malabsorption of nutrients (gluten sensitivity in particular has been implicated in causing a Selenium deficiency, a well known risk factor for Hashimoto’s), and can also produce intestinal permeability whenever they are eaten.

Most people will see a dramatic reduction in gut symptoms, brain symptoms, skin breakouts and pain by eliminating the foods they are sensitive to. Some will also see a significant reduction in thyroid antibodies! An additional subset of people, will actually be able to get their Hashimoto’s into complete remission just by getting off the foods they react to, normalizing their thyroid antibodies, and some even normalizing their thyroid function!

What’s Your Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism Root Cause?

2 min


Dr. Izabella Wentz Can Thyroid Issues & Hashimoto’s Disease Be Reversed Naturally?

22 min

Jan 262017

As usual there is lots of conflicting info about but these are what I can make sense of:
In general it is best not to completely eliminate anything if you are already used to eating / drinking it. Complete elimination will most likely create cravings and often result in a replacement which may or may not be better than the original.
eg fat replaced with sugar, dairy replaced with soy, red meat replaced with soy based processed foods.
Eat foods with as little processing as possible, ie whole grains, unprocessed meats rather than processed meats like sausages, cured bacon, crab meat, chicken nuggets etc.

Eliminate as much Sugar as possible- it is hidden in so many things we eat & drink, definitely don’t add sugar eg in coffee / tea, on cereals

Cut back on Coffee,it often has lots of pesticides used in production & these remain in the beans, and the caffeine itself is a problem, it dehydrates, prevents the absorption of Iron and raises cholesterol.

Drink Ginger Tea

Minimise alcohol intake– in general it is toxic to the body, so with every drink you are adding toxins to your body and hoping that the liver can remove them all.

Cut back on dairy foods if you have dairy intolerance, but don’t cut out completely as they are valuable source of calcium. watch for sugar in yogurts etc

Eat oily fish for omega 3 – salmon, sardines, mackerel etc preferably smaller fish rather than large ones like tuna- they eat the small ones & have accumulated mercury and other heavy metals from the small ones

Red meat in moderation- unprocessed – ie not cured bacon or salt dried. good for iron and other minerals. it is a good source of iron and zinc.

Processed White Iodised Salt contains anticaking agents along with  iodine which will be extracted by thyroid. For many this will be fine, but for those with a poorly functioning thyroid, adding more iodine to the body can actually damage it – use unprocessed sea salt or pink rock salt.

Vitamin D – get from regular sunlight exposure 10 min at a time
Vitamin C from real foods – Ascorbic acid is not vitamin C
Don’t have foods that are fortified with vitamins – fillers (rock) and artificial vitamins

Selenium – many soils are known to be deficient in selenium – seek out foods that contain selenium or consider supplements.
Potatoes – can be good for selenium when baked or lightly fried from raw- not deep fried. Boiling changes the structure & loses some of goodness
Lightly brown only- all foods chips, toast etc, the browner / blacker the surface the more carcinogens may be produced from the browning process.

Bread – whole grain – lots of salt and sugar in a lot of breads.
if you have any gluten sensitivity then cut back on bread and wheat based products, replace with rice base.

Can be good to have some carbs such as slice of bread 5 hours before sleep.

When taking pills / supplements try to take capsules rather than tablets as the tablets use fillers to hold them together and the fillers can contain toxins and block up liver / kidneys.


Jan 262017



Insulin resistance

Supplements can also be helpful in reversing insulin resistance. Your doctor can check for insulin resistance with
a fasting, 1 hour and 2 hour insulin test, along with glucose testing. I recommend the following be taken daily if
you have insulin resistance, 1-2 TBS flax seeds, 2000 mg fish oil, 2000 units vitamin D, 600 mg magnesium glycinate,
a B-complex supplement, 300 mg alpha-lipoic acid, and 500 mg of chromium daily. I also recommend including cinnamon
and green tea as part of the daily diet; these can also be taken in supplement form to help reduce insulin resistance.

Jan 262017

Pasture-raised animal products and wild-caught fish: as  nature intended
Several studies have been done comparing the nutrient content of pasture-raised (PR) and grain-fed (confinement animal feeding operations, or CAFO) animal products.

PR  animal products are superior to CAFO in 2 primary respects:

they have a better fatty acid profile, and

higher levels of vitamins and other micronutrients.

Grain-fed animals have lower levels of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats like EPA and DHA.

The more grain in an animal’s diet, the lower the omega-3 levels in their meat.
For  example, grass-fed beef typically has 3 times more omega-3 than grain-fed beef.
In addition to higher levels of beneficial omega-3 fat, pasture-raised animal products also  have much higher levels of several vitamins and minerals, including:
• 288 percent more vitamin E
• 54 percent more beta-carotene
• Twice as much riboflavin (B2)
• Three times as much thiamin (B1)
• Four times as much selenium
• 30 percent more calcium
• 5 percent more magnesium

We see a similar difference between eggs from hens raised on pasture, and those raised  in confinement.
Eggs from pasture-raised hens contain as much as 10 times more  omega-3 than eggs from factory hens, and they are significantly higher in B12 and folate.  They also have higher levels of fat-soluble antioxidants like vitamin E and a denser concentration of vitamin A.

In the case of fish, farmed fish contain less omega-3 relative to linoleic acid (omega-6).
For example, wild salmon contains 10 times more omega-3 than omega-6, whereas farmed salmon has less than 4 times the amount of omega-3 than omega-6. Another study found that consuming standard farmed salmon, raised on diets high in omega-6, raises blood levels of certain inflammatory chemicals linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and cancer.

Wild salmon also contains  4 times as much vitamin D as farmed salmon, which is especially important since up to 50 percent of Americans are deficient in this important vitamin.

Jan 072017

TSHFree  (T3) , Free (T4)

TSH levels increase when the T4 levels drop, and the TSH falls when T4 levels increase.
A TSH test alone does not consider overall thyroid metabolism, H.P.A. feedback loops, or autoimmune factors that are identified by thyroid antibody testing.
A high TSH with or without changes in T4 or T3 is diagnostic to determine hypothyroidism. If the thyroid is not making enough T4 the pituitary will pump out TSH to stimulate its production.
A low TSH is used to determine hyperthyroid activity. If the thyroid is overactive, such as in Grave’s disease, the antibodies bind to active thyrotropin (TSH) receptors on the thyroid cells and stimulate T4 production without the influence of TSH. Some antibodies may inhibit thyroid function by inactivating instead of stimulating thyrotropin receptors. This is called an autoimmune hypothyroid. These patterns will demonstrate a hypothyroid pattern (elevated TSH) with elevated thyroid antibodies.
TSH Laboratory Reference Range: 0.35 – 5.5 (varies from one lab to another). (Australian Lab still using 0.5 to 5)
There are new ranges released in 2012 but many labs still continue to use the old ranges.
TSH Functional or Optimal Reference Range: 1.5 to 3.0

Selenium, Zinc and Iodine


If you don’t have iron, your body will not make tyrosine and therefore, not make T4


Your body will also not be able to make adrenaline without iron and it is adrenaline that holds magnesium in the blood.


Magnesium is important for  absorption of calcium.
you NEED calcium and other trace minerals to become alkaline


Parathyroid hormone

Vitamin D

Get the two Vitamin D blood tests done,
“optimal” Vitamin D level is around the high-­‐end of normal which is 80-­‐100 ng/ml.

Thyroid and Low levels of 25(OH)D along with elevated levels of 1,25(OH)2D has been documented in several autoimmune disorders. It has been suggested that VDR dysregulation resulting from infections or disease results in decreased CYP24 activity resulting in increased 1,25(OH)2D levels which in turn result in decreased 25(OH)D levels as a result of the physiologic negative feedback.
Lower serum 1,25(OH)2D but not 25(OH)D has been documented in patients with thyroid cancer as compared with normal individuals.

Thyroid Function Test

Full blood examination


Poor thyroid function is another potential cause of elevated LDL-P particle number. Thyroid hormone has multiple effects on the regulation of lipid production, absorption, and metabolism. It stimulates the expression of HMG-CoA reductase, which is an enzyme in the liver involved in the production of cholesterol.


A complete test might consist of the following:

Complete Metabolic Panel, not a basic metabolic panel. You have a thyroid disorder and you need as much information as POSSIBLE!

A complete thyroid panel which needs to include TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Total T4, Free Thyroxine Index, Resin T3 Uptake,TPO and TGB antibodies,TBG and Reverse T3.
You NEED to know as much about your thyroid gland as possible and ALL of these blood tests will tell you.

A complete lipid panel and a CBC with auto differential which breaks down the white and red blood cells.

Testing for gluten reactivity, gut function, cross-­‐ reactive foods and other parts of your body that your immune system could be attacking.

Leaky gut

An ASI (Adrenal Stress Index) which checks your adrenal glands.
Your adrenal glands are your “stress glands.”

Long standing adrenal stress can:
•increase thyroid binding protein activity which prevents thyroid hormone from entering the cell,
•impedes the production of T4 to T3,
•causes cells to lose their sensitivity to thyroid hormone and
•weakens the immune system.

A 2105 stool microbial test looking to see if you have parasites or h-­‐pylori or fungi or mold in your gut.

An Organic acid test which tests for carbohydrate metabolism, fatty acid metabolism, energy production markers,

body pH has to be between 6.4 – 7.0