
The number 1 cause of massive inflammation , toxicity and decreased immune response is Acidity.
Body acidity is caused by poor diet, toxins, heavy metals, electromagnetic pollution, dental infections and negative emotions.
You have to be alkaline for your body to heal.

Inflammation is HUGE problem that NO ONE is addressing and weight loss gurus ignore !!!
If you are suffering from inflammation, you will not lose weight!
How do you know if you have inflammation in your body?
A simple blood test will tell you. The next time that you have your physician check your blood work, have them check your C-­‐Reactive Protein (C-­‐RP), homocysteine, uric acid and cortisol levels. If any or all of these markers are high, you have a major problem with inflammation.
Gluten (the protein in wheat),
refined sugar, and
white salt
are the biggest causes of inflammation in the body. Not only do they cause inflammation but they trigger insulin.

Inflammation may also be from injuries such as back injury, infections -including tooth/ gum infections. The presence of these inflammations cause flowon effects through the rest of the body.

If you are trying to lose weight you have to eliminate anything that contains gluten or wheat such as bagels, breads, cakes, cereals, cookies, crackers, granola, muffins, pretzels, and MSG. If you are serious about losing weight, you should eliminate all grains including rice for a period of 3-­‐6 months.

Cause #2 of massive inflammation, toxicity and decreased immune response: FREE RADICALS AND EXCITOTOXINS !
Long before a thyroid disorder is diagnosed, the affected individual has typically been exposed to a varied host of heavy metals, toxic chemicals and/or inadequate nutrition which leads to free radicals and excitotoxins.
FREE RADICALS Free Radicals damage the mitochondrial DNA of the cell! This is the POWERHOUSE of the cell so free radicals alter the cell energy level.

What causes of free radical damage?
Poor Diet…
Toxic chemicals…
Heavy metals…

Bacterial imbalance
The most common components of food that can damage your intestinal lining are the proteins found in un-sprouted grains, sugar, GMO’s and conventional dairy.The problem with un-sprouted grains is that they contain large amounts of antinutrients or nutrient blockers called phytates and lectins. Lectins are sugar-binding proteins that act as a natural defense system for plants that protect them from outside invaders like mold and parasites.
This is good news for plants but bad news for your body. Your digestive lining is covered with sugar-containing cells that help break down your food. Lectins gravitate toward this area and when they attach to your digestive lining, it damages your gut and causes inflammation.

Cause #3 of massive inflammation, toxicity and decreased immune response: INFECTION
Infections are HUGE problems with thyroid patients.
It may be a gut infection such as parasites, mycoplasms, biofilms, H.Pyloriother or other bacteria.
It may be an organ infection such as a liver fluke, which is common in thyroid patients.
If there are infections, the urine pH will never get back into the normal range of 6.4 to 7.0 unless the infection is successfully addressed! This is VERY IMPORTANT.
It may even be infection from dental work. Root canals are the perfect place for bacteria and viruses!

Inflammation in your body is like taking a blowtorch to your thyroid gland.
Inflammation destroys the normal function of the body.
Inflammation in your body can be measured in the blood by checking C-­‐Reactive Protein (C-­‐ RP) levels, homocysteine levels, uric acid levels and cortisol levels.
Inflammation can be generated in response to a toxic or nutritionally deficient diet.
When the inflammation markers are increased in the blood, they are linked to massive neurodegeneration, meaning that your brain and nerves start to degenerate.
In Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders, there is a significant increase in inflammation marker levels in the body. Since C-­‐RP, homocysteine, uric acid and cortisol are powerful excitotoxins, elevated levels have been found to make symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease worse!
The metabolic breakdown components of these inflammation markers alter the NMDA (N-­‐methyl-­‐D-­‐aspartate) receptor sites, leading to multiple negative effects which include free radicals and an inflammatory cascade.
Remember that HCL is vital to form methyl groups and methyl groups are very important for keeping inflammation marker levels low in the body.

Emulsifiers used in packaged foods ranging from mayonnaise to bread to ice cream have been shown to increase intestinal permeability (leaky gut) and cause a chain reaction of inflammation and autoimmune disease.