
Your body can pick up heavy metals from a variety of sources such as mercury amalgams and nickel dental crowns, aluminum in antiperspirants, deodorants, and packaged foods.
Mercury can be in food because mercury fumigants are used in warehouses that store wheat, fruits and vegetables.
You can even get trace amounts of heavy metals from tap water.

Jan 262017

Mercury is highly toxic and generally accumulates in the body and has been shown to cause a variety of problems.

Eat oily fish for omega 3 – salmon, sardines, mackerel etc preferably smaller fish rather than large ones like tuna- they eat the small ones & have accumulated mercury and other heavy metals from the small ones.
Tuna, Swordfish, and Orange Roughie all contain trace amounts of mercury which accumulates over time.

For years mercury – amalgam fillings were used, these are 50% mercury with some copper and silver and those with very sensitive systems appear to react to the minute amounts of mercury that leaches out of fillings over time.

Where there are dis-similar metals in the mouth, eg mercury amalgams and nickel crown, or even braces, and with the mouth having a salt or saline solution, the two dissimilar metals in a saline solution makes a battery. Studies have shown that this “battery” in the mouth causes the mercury to leach out of the amalgam 80 times FASTER.

Fillings have a limited life – 20 -30 years- when due for replacement ensure white fillings are used.

Some people have all amalgam fillings removed, however filling removal must be done very carefully because the process of grinding out the filling can release the mercury as vapour, which can then be inhaled. There are reports of those with only minor thyroid symptoms suddenly experiencing major problems due to mercury poisoning from inhaling vapours during the filling removal process.


Mercury in Fumigants
Where possible, try to eat organic grains since mercury fumigants are commonly used in non organic premises to control pests in buildings that store grains and produce. This is yet another reason why you need to eat organic.

Mercury can be flushed from the body using a combination of herbs but is generally accumulated in the body, so over time it can grow to become a problem.