
Citrus Fruit

Vitamin C in Cirus Fruit used for treating Epsteine-Barr Virus

Jan 272017

The importance of bioavailability
It’s not just the amount of nutrients that a food contains that is important, it’s how bioavailable those nutrients are to the body.
Bioavailability refers to the portion of a nutrient that is absorbed by the body.
The amount of nutrients we absorb from a food is invariably lower than the absolute amount of nutrients the food contains.
The nutrients in some foods are more bioavailable to humans than others. For example, the grass on your front lawn is loaded with vitamins and minerals, but they’re largely inaccessible to humans. Grass contains large amounts of a plant fibre called cellulose, which humans cannot break down. Since we can’t break down the cellulose, we can’t absorb the nutrients grass contains.
On the other hand, nutrients in animal products like fish, meat, poultry, dairy, and eggs are highly bioavailable. This means we can absorb them easily.
The key to nourishing your body, then, is to maximize your intake of bioavailable nutrients. This will ensure that your body has everything it needs to function optimally.

The nutrient density and bioavailability of foods
The table below ranks foods according to their nutrient density and bioavailability.

Organ meat Whole grains* Refined grains (i.e.bread,
pasta, crackers, etc.)
Meat,wild game and poultry Legumes*  Sugar
Fish and shellfish Plant fats and oils**  Industrial seed oils
Eggs Animal fats and oils**  Processed food and snacks
Fruits Dairy products  Sugar-sweetened beverages
Vegetables  Artificial ingredients
Nuts and seeds*  Alcohol
Herbs and spices  Natural sweeteners

* Whole grains, legumes, and nuts and seeds contain substances called “nutrient inhibitors” that impair the  absorption of some of the nutrients they contain.
** Plant and animal fats are relatively low in nutrients, but they play other crucial roles, including helping us to absorb the nutrients in other foods.

Looking at the table you might notice several interesting things.

Firstly, all of the most nutrient-dense foods are real, whole foods, and all of the least  nutrient-dense foods are processed and refined foods.

Processed and refined foods are destroying our health because they promote overeating and inflammation, and inflammation is at the root of all modern disease. Here  we see yet another problem with these foods: they are at the bottom of the scale in  terms of nutrient density.

Secondly, you might be surprised to see that organ meats, meat, fish and shellfish are in  the highest category of nutrient density. In fact, when the major nutrients required for human function are considered, these foods are even more nutrient-dense than fruits  and vegetables.

One serving of beef (about 3.5 ounces) typically contains more B12,  niacin (B3), vitamin D, retinol (vitamin A), zinc, iron, potassium, phosphorus, and EPA and  DHA than the same amount of blueberries or kale, which are two of the most nutrient dense plant foods. In addition, the nutrients in meat are highly bioavailable when  compared to foods like cereal grains, nuts and seeds, and legumes. The bioavailability of zinc, for example, is four times higher in meat than it is in grains.

Thirdly, while neither animal nor plant fats are especially nutrient dense, they do play other important roles in the diet. Perhaps most importantly, they help us to absorb the nutrients that are present in other foods.

Finally, look at where whole grains and legumes are on the table; they’re not the  nutritional powerhouses you may have been led to believe they are. Not only do they lack important nutrients, but they also contain substances called “nutrient inhibitors” that make it more difficult for us to absorb some of the nutrients they do contain.

Cultures who ate a lot of grains and legumes went to great lengths to break down these nutrient inhibitors so they could better absorb the nutrients in these foods.
Methods included soaking, sprouting, fermenting, and leavening.
If you have the time and energy to prepare grains and legumes in these ways, and you tolerate them well, there’s no reason they can’t be part of a diet that emphasizes other more nutrient dense foods like meat, fish, eggs, and fruits and vegetables.

Likewise, if you eat nuts and seeds, you should soak and then dehydrate or roast them first in order to increase the bioavailability of the nutrients they contain.

Jan 272017

Epsteine-Barr Virus

The classical symptoms of mononucleosis are fatigue, fever, sore throat and swollen lymph nodes; however, people may have all or only some of these symptoms.




Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, such as:

  • Freshly prepared juices like, carrrot/apple/beet/lemon
  • Strawberries
  • Tomatoes and tomato juice
  • Citrus fruits like, camu camu
  • Red and green bell peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Sweet potatoes or yams


The causes of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) are not fully understood, but there are definite associations with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and it is common for those with EBV to have Intestinal Parasites and Candida.
A comprehensive nutritional program will boost the immune system – a natural and effective way to treat Epstein-Barr and its related health problems.  There are two specific natural remedies we recommend for Epstein-Barr – Olive Leaf Extract and Collodial Silver, combined with Zell Oxygen,


(interview transcript with Dr Aviva Romm about EBV)

Herbal cure by Dr Aviva:

Top 5 Herbs & Supplements for Epstein-Barr Virus

*All can be taken daily for up to 3 months. Please check with your healthcare practitioner
before adding new supplements to your life.

  • *Zinc Citrate: Immune supportive; in excess of 60 mg/day can be toxic.
    Take 30-60 mg with food daily to avoid nausea.
  • *St John’s Wort: Antiviral and relieves depression.
    Take 300-600 mg/day of products standardized to 0.3% hypericin and/or 3-5% hyperforin.
  • *Lemon Balm: Antiviral and relieves stress and anxiety.
    Take 300-1200 mg daily in tea or capsules, or 40-60 drops of tincture 1 to 3 times daily.
  • *Licorice: Antiviral, anti-inflammatory and an adaptogen.
    Take 150-300 mg daily.
  • *Echinacea: Anti-inflammatory and antiviral.
    Take 300-500 mg up to three times daily.