Immune System

Immune System
The number 1 cause of massive inflammation , toxicity and decreased immune response is Acidity.
Body acidity is caused by poor diet, toxins, heavy metals, electromagnetic pollution, dental infections and negative emotions.
You have to be alkaline for your body to heal.

There is two parts to your immune system, TH1 and TH2, and they have to balance.
80% of your immune system is in your gut. You need a healthy, strong immune system to allow your body to heal.

The immune system has “health-­‐breakers” that must be addressed:
autoimmune disorders;
glucose problems,
blood glucose;
that contribute to this imbalance. The bottom line is that you want to balance your immune system. The vast majority of thyroid patients have an unbalanced immune system. Their immune system is not functioning, it is not working.

Cause #2 of massive inflammation, toxicity and decrease immune response: FREE RADICALS AND EXCITOTOXINS !
Long before a thyroid disorder is diagnosed, the affected individual has typically been exposed to a varied host of heavy metals, toxic chemicals and/or inadequate nutrition which leads to free radicals and excitotoxins.
FREE RADICALS Free Radicals damage the mitochondrial DNA of the cell! This is the POWERHOUSE of the cell so free radicals alter the cell energy level.

What causes of free radical damage?
Poor Diet…
Toxic chemicals…
Heavy metals…

Balancing the Immune System
There are 2 parts to the immune system TH1 and TH2. They both need to be working and they need to work togother in balance to prevent diseases getting hold.
TH1 circulates in the body getting rid of “Bad” things.
TH2 makes antibodies and labels the “Bad” things for the TH1 to dispose of.

In an autoimmune thyroid patient the system is unbalanced, it is not working as it is supposed to.
If the immune system is not working correctly, an autoimmune disease can easily develop, such as one attacking the thyroid.
Once the immune system starts attacking one part of the body, in time it will also start on other parts.
When the body comes under attack, it uses helper T-cells to produce the right form of cytokines.
However if one type becomes dominant in the body it can produce the right type of environment for an autoimmune disease to develop.

This is where these helper T-­‐cells come into play.
When faced by pathogens (micro bacterium that can cause diseases) these work together to prevent disease. However, in case of severe allergies or auto immune diseases, they can go out of balance.

TH1 and TH2 system, also known as T-­‐ lymphocytes, are responsible for producing cytokines or hormonal messengers that trigger biological effects that can protect the body against debilitating diseases.
These comprise primarily two types named TH1 and TH2.
TH1 produces pro-­‐inflammatory response while the latter,
TH2, produces anti-­‐ inflammatory responses but encourage allergic reactions.
TH1 actually produces inflammation that is capable of eliminating intracellular parasites (viruses and some bacteria).
However, they can also CAUSE an autoimmune response or allergies at the same time.
In other words, they are actually capable of developing certain organ specific auto immune diseases.
This is where TH2 cytokines come in. Since their job is to perform anti-­‐ inflammatory actions, they can kill extracellular pathogens (which are bacteria residing outside cells).
These also produce a severe allergic response within the body at the same time. If for instance, you are suffering from asthma or other allergies that means your body is probably producing more TH2 cytokines than it can handle.

In a balanced or well-­‐functioning immune system, the helper T-­‐cells produce both TH1 and TH2 cytokines in specific amounts. Getting this balance right can be complex, which is why chronic conditions can be hard to address.
Once the immune system gets out of balance, it’s extremely difficult to balance it again.

Vitamin D can help to restore balance.

Jan 272017

Video on body systems, how they interact, dealing with Thyroid and Adrenal Fatigue

36 min

Selenium helps detox mercury from body.

Selenium rich foods

  • Bananas
  • Kiwifruit
  • Dates
  • Honeydew melon
  • Grapefruit
  • Mango
  • Papaya
  • Lychee
  • Mulberry
  • Tamarind
  • Jack fruit

What body needs to be healthy

  • Healthy nervous system
  • Regular exercise – lowers stress
  • Good nutrition
  • Good rest


Life after thyroid removal

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How to Have A Healthy Thyroid Gland

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