

The number 1 cause of massive inflammation , toxicity and decreased immune response is Acidity.
Body acidity is caused by poor diet, toxins, heavy metals, electromagnetic pollution, dental infections and negative emotions.
You have to be alkaline for your body to heal.

Cause #2 of massive inflammation, toxicity and decrease immune response: FREE RADICALS AND EXCITOTOXINS !
Long before a thyroid disorder is diagnosed, the affected individual has typically been exposed to a varied host of heavy metals, toxic chemicals and/or inadequate nutrition which leads to free radicals and excitotoxins.
FREE RADICALS Free Radicals damage the mitochondrial DNA of the cell! This is the POWERHOUSE of the cell so free radicals alter the cell energy level.

What causes of free radical damage?
Poor Diet…
Toxic chemicals…
Heavy metals…

Toxic chemicals come from hormones in meat and dairy products along with pesticides in fruits and vegetables. In addition, there are a large amount of chemicals that we humans come into contact with on a daily basis from the environment (eg pollution) and the products we apply to our bodies or are exposed to from products around us (eg gases from furniture, carpets, dry cleaning fluid)

Toxins: We come into contact with over 80,000 chemicals and toxins every single year, but the worst offenders for causing leaky gut include antibiotics, pesticides, tap water, aspirin and NSAIDS. I recommend buying a high-quality water filter to eliminate chlorine and fluoride and look to natural plant-based herbs to reduce inflammation in your body.

Jan 272017

When aluminum is bound to excitotoxins glutamate and/or aspartate, it’s entry into your brain is significantly elevated. Once in the brain, aluminum increases iron-­‐induced free radical activity!

Jan 272017

Excitotoxins are neurotransmitters which can cause cell death when their actions
are prolonged.

Excitotoxins are compounds such as:

  • glutamate (monosodium glutamate or MSG) and lots of MSG is used in restaurant food,
  • aspartate or aspartame (i.e., NutraSweet) and
  • homocysteine.

Excitotoxins cause premature cell death by initiating the P53 gene.
Increased glutamate levels can stimulate the microglia (a CNS immune cell) to produce more cytokines than normal and to release
stored glutamate and quinolinic acid, both of which are excitotoxins.

The microglia can also convert tryptophan to the excitotoxin, quinolinic acid.
Therefore, tryptophan supplements should not be taken by patients with any chronic condition.

Microglial cells activated by Beta-­‐amyloid can release protein kinase C,
and thus prolong inflammation.

Microglial cells can also release large amounts of glutamate and
stimulate the release of inflammatory arachidonic acid.

This degenerative process can feed upon itself, destroying massive amounts
of neuronal tissue.
Additionally, the amount of Amyloid-­‐beta peptides are increased,
hydrogen peroxide levels are increased
and as a result, excitotoxicity is increased.

When aluminium (eg from deoderants) is bound to excitotoxins glutamate and/or aspartate, it’s entry into your brain is significantly elevated. Once in the brain, aluminium increases iron-­‐induced free radical activity!

Jan 272017

The number One cause of massive inflammation , toxicity and decreased immune response is Acidity.
Body acidity is caused by poor diet, toxins, heavy metals, electromagnetic pollution, dental infections and negative emotions.
You have to be alkaline for your body to heal.

Your body pH has to be between 6.4 – 7.0
Over 7.0 is bad because your body is leeching minerals (calcium, magnesium and others) out of the blood, and as soon as you correct the problem the pH will drop to 4.5 – 5.0

Check body pH by testing first morning urine after 5 am for a period of at least 2 weeks.
It has to be the first morning urine pH after 5 a.m. because you are checking the body’s metabolism.
There are doctors that check salivary pH which is not as accurate as the urine pH because the salivary pH has not metabolized through the body.
Just about EVERY thyroid patient will probably be acidic!
When you’re acidic, your body leaches minerals out of your bones to buffer your blood!
These minerals, calcium, magnesium and trace minerals are VERY IMPORTANT to the thyroid patient because cells of your body need to accept the thyroid hormone, T3, and they cannot accept T3 without an ample supply of minerals.
There are so many medical doctors chasing symptoms by prescribing T4 and T3 medications instead of getting to the CAUSE by addressing the patient’s acidity and low minerals which suppresses T4 and T3.
Many doctors, including some “thyroid experts,” miss this fact completely!

T4 conversion to T3 is dependent on the mineral zinc and low levels of selenium will cause inactivity of T3.
Should one take handfuls of zinc and selenium? NO! You should get it from the food that you eat!
Beef, lamb, veal, crab, shrimp, scallops, oysters, turkey, pumpkin, yogurt, peanuts, sesame and squash seeds all contain high levels of zinc.
Tuna, cod, halibut, sardines, shrimp, salmon, beef, turkey, and lamb are all high in selenium.
Instead of taking handfuls of the medications T3 and T4, why not let good food be a part of our healing process?

When you are acidic, you are at greater risk for heavy metal toxicity which in turn causes a downward spiral of free radicals!
Being acidic creates a welcoming environment for viruses and bacteria to flourish! You may have noticed that you are more susceptible to more colds and flu, this is one of the reasons WHY.

How does one become more alkaline?

Change your diet!
STOP eating junk! NOW!
There is no such thing as “junk food,” there is food and there is junk.
Eat more :
organic vegetables,
lean grass-­‐fed, organic meat,
wild fish and game and
a limited amount of organic fruits.
Preferably, eat only stone fruits or fruits with a pit in it like a peach or plum because they are lower on the glycemic index.
Berries (raspberries, strawberries, blackberries and blueberries) are also low on the glycemic index.
Eat more organic vegetables and drink fresh-­‐squeezed, organic vegetable juice!
Drink good, high-­‐quality water! Avoid tap water as it is full of chemicals.

Jan 272017

Deodorant – aluminium in deodorant is absorbed through skin- keep aluminium deodorant use to a minimum. Use Essential oil based deoderants

When aluminum is bound to excitotoxins glutamate and/or aspartate, it’s entry into your brain is significantly elevated. Once in the brain, aluminum increases iron-­‐induced free radical activity!

Make-up – know what you are putting on your skin

Anti- bacterial liquid hand soaps – chemicals shown to be toxic


There are other toxic chemicals besides aluminum in your antiperspirant and deodorants?

Antiperspirants and deodorants also contain parabens which can disrupt hormone balance,
triclosan which is a pesticide, propylene glycol that has been shown to damage he heart, liver and central nervous system and finally, phthalates which are linked to a higher risk of birth defects.
Go to your local health food store and get an all-­‐natural  deodorant.

Jan 262017

As usual there is lots of conflicting info about but these are what I can make sense of:
In general it is best not to completely eliminate anything if you are already used to eating / drinking it. Complete elimination will most likely create cravings and often result in a replacement which may or may not be better than the original.
eg fat replaced with sugar, dairy replaced with soy, red meat replaced with soy based processed foods.
Eat foods with as little processing as possible, ie whole grains, unprocessed meats rather than processed meats like sausages, cured bacon, crab meat, chicken nuggets etc.

Eliminate as much Sugar as possible- it is hidden in so many things we eat & drink, definitely don’t add sugar eg in coffee / tea, on cereals

Cut back on Coffee,it often has lots of pesticides used in production & these remain in the beans, and the caffeine itself is a problem, it dehydrates, prevents the absorption of Iron and raises cholesterol.

Drink Ginger Tea

Minimise alcohol intake– in general it is toxic to the body, so with every drink you are adding toxins to your body and hoping that the liver can remove them all.

Cut back on dairy foods if you have dairy intolerance, but don’t cut out completely as they are valuable source of calcium. watch for sugar in yogurts etc

Eat oily fish for omega 3 – salmon, sardines, mackerel etc preferably smaller fish rather than large ones like tuna- they eat the small ones & have accumulated mercury and other heavy metals from the small ones

Red meat in moderation- unprocessed – ie not cured bacon or salt dried. good for iron and other minerals. it is a good source of iron and zinc.

Processed White Iodised Salt contains anticaking agents along with  iodine which will be extracted by thyroid. For many this will be fine, but for those with a poorly functioning thyroid, adding more iodine to the body can actually damage it – use unprocessed sea salt or pink rock salt.

Vitamin D – get from regular sunlight exposure 10 min at a time
Vitamin C from real foods – Ascorbic acid is not vitamin C
Don’t have foods that are fortified with vitamins – fillers (rock) and artificial vitamins

Selenium – many soils are known to be deficient in selenium – seek out foods that contain selenium or consider supplements.
Potatoes – can be good for selenium when baked or lightly fried from raw- not deep fried. Boiling changes the structure & loses some of goodness
Lightly brown only- all foods chips, toast etc, the browner / blacker the surface the more carcinogens may be produced from the browning process.

Bread – whole grain – lots of salt and sugar in a lot of breads.
if you have any gluten sensitivity then cut back on bread and wheat based products, replace with rice base.

Can be good to have some carbs such as slice of bread 5 hours before sleep.

When taking pills / supplements try to take capsules rather than tablets as the tablets use fillers to hold them together and the fillers can contain toxins and block up liver / kidneys.