

Turmeric and Curcumin

While the link between curcumin and disease reversal has been widely examined, the use of this spice in relation to cancer is one of the most thoroughly researched topics.

A number of laboratory studies on cancer cells suggest that curcumin does have anticancer effects. It seems to be able to fight cancer cells and prevent more from growing. It seems to be most effective against breast cancer, bowel cancer, stomach cancer and skin cancer cells.

In fact, a 2007 laboratory study showed that the combined treatment of curcumin with chemotherapy eliminated more bowel cancer cells than chemotherapy alone.

Other laboratory studies have also shown that curcumin interferes with cancer development, growth and spread. And researchers have reported that curcumin blocked the formation of cancer-causing enzymes in rodents.

Bottom line: Evidence suggests that in general turmeric works well to help stop cancer in its tracks and is especially effective at helping to treat breast cancer, colon cancer and skin cancer.

Jan 272017

Where to get supplies

link main content / DV Dose needed other content dose needed dose needed
 Gaia-Herbs-Thyroid-Support-60-Vegetarian-Liquid-Phyto-Caps Iodine  from seaweed 100 mcg 67% DV  start with kelp tablets that contain 325 mcg. increase over time

take with 200 mcg of selenium

 L-Tyrosine 200 mg  Ashwagandha root extract 80 mg  500mg 1-2x daily
Iodine 7% 12mg (3 drops) daily.
Selenium 100ug
Planetary-Herbals-Ashwagandha-Liquid-Herbal-Extract-Lemon-Flavor-2-fl-oz  Organic Ashwagandha Root Extract 2.5 mL  500mg 1-2x daily



 1,2,3,4.5 mg  3mg – 4.5mg / day

100% Turmeric

Melatonin 3mg
 Collodial Silver  1ml /day
Vitamin D3 5,000 to 10,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily
Mushroom 6 turkey tail 500mg

shiitake 367mg

reiishi 300mg

 1 to 2 capsules once to three times daily
Symbiotique Lactobacillus rhamnosus (HA-111)

Bifidobacterium bifidum (HA-132)

Bifidobacterium longum (HA-135)

(3g) into your breakfast cereal, juice or water. Consume once or twice daily
 Lemon Balm  300-1200 mg daily in tea or capsules
 Echinacea  300-500 mg up to three times daily
 Licorice  150-300 mg / day
 Zinc Citrate  30-60 mg
 St John’s Wort  300-600 mg/day



Supply Support

Jan 262017

Video – Natural Solutions for Thyroid Disorders

44 minutes


Top things to do to treat Hashimotos

4 min

Thyroid Pharmacist Izabella Wentz

  • Reduce Stress
  • Supplements for nutrient deficiencies
  • Reduce / remove Gluten
  • Careful diet – Sugar free, Grain free, Dairy free, Paleo, Low GI index
  • Supplements B12, D3, digestive enzymes, ferritin/ iron, omega 3
    Selenium 200 mcg, Betaine with pepsin, Curcumin, Zinc 30 mg, l- Glutamine
  • Lifestyle changes – relaxation, massage, sauna
  • TSH levels <1-2
  • LDN
  • Probiotics or fermented foods

The Elimination Diet
Dr. Izabella Wentz with Tom Malterre on the Elimination Diet

45 min

The most common triggers in Hashimoto’s are nutrient deficiencies, food sensitivities, intestinal permeability (leaky gut), stress, an impaired ability to get rid of toxins and in some cases, infections. Optimizing your health starts with food. Figuring out which foods nourish you, and which ones cause you harm is the single most important thing you can learn in your health journey.

I’ve found that recognizing and eliminating reactive foods can be a life-changer for most people with Hashimoto’s.

Reactive foods trigger an inflammatory response in the GI tract, leading to malabsorption of nutrients (gluten sensitivity in particular has been implicated in causing a Selenium deficiency, a well known risk factor for Hashimoto’s), and can also produce intestinal permeability whenever they are eaten.

Most people will see a dramatic reduction in gut symptoms, brain symptoms, skin breakouts and pain by eliminating the foods they are sensitive to. Some will also see a significant reduction in thyroid antibodies! An additional subset of people, will actually be able to get their Hashimoto’s into complete remission just by getting off the foods they react to, normalizing their thyroid antibodies, and some even normalizing their thyroid function!

What’s Your Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism Root Cause?

2 min


Dr. Izabella Wentz Can Thyroid Issues & Hashimoto’s Disease Be Reversed Naturally?

22 min