

Jan 282017

Welcome to Thyroid Problems.

The intent of this site is to try to collect together some of the information available about Thyroid problems and to have an easy way to find the info related to each of the relevant areas, as well as to summarise what I have learnt  about each topic.

There is a wealth of information available on the internet and sometimes it can be too overwhelming to be able to make sense of it, so I built this site to try to bring together the information I find.


In the first few days of 2017  I had half my Thyroid removed as it had an 80mm tumor in it. I had known about it for about 6 years, having previously had it scanned by ultrasound, and was told it was just a cyst, and it was fine as long as didn’t cause me any problems.
After a general check-up at the end of 2016 I was sent to have it rescanned and a biopsy taken, after which the Endocrinologist recommended removal of half my thyroid.

Looking at Options

After having half the thyroid removed and looking at my ongoing treatment I have seen that thyroid problems are very common but also very seldom properly diagnosed by most of the medical profession.

I also found that whenever Thyroid is mentioned, people start saying, “my sister has a thyroid problem” or “I had my thyroid out years ago” etc. It seems thyroid problems affect a large proportion of the population, and there is a lot of variability in success.
It has also become obvious that many don’t know that their thyroid is causing a problem, but perhaps they have problems with weight control or body temperature regulation or sleep or countless other issues that have never been properly diagnosed.

Check the Symptoms Matrix or check the Symptoms Menu to see if you recognise a poorly functioning Thyroid in yourself.
If you do, you should see your GP and get the appropriate blood tests performed.

We are what we absorb.

The one thing I have learnt is that a poorly performing thyroid is an indicator that your body is not working properly, and a major cause of systems not working properly comes from what we eat and absorb from our environment.

The thyroid regulates just about every system in the body, and every cell in the body has receptors for thyroid hormones. So if the thyroid is not working properly (or not being instructed correctly) then many other systems will likely not be working properly, and in turn, through the feedback mechanisms from those systems, the thyroid will continue to receive incorrect instructions and continue to incorrectly instruct the other systems, it’s a vicious circle.

The thyroid and many other systems are disrupted by three main things:

Deficiency – not enough vitamins and minerals being absorbed by the body, mainly through the gut, for the thyroid to work properly.
It particularly needs Iodine, Selenium, MagnesiumZinc and Iron.
Another common deficiency is Vitamin D, which can easily be remedied by daily exposure to sunshine.
A shortage of any of these means the thyroid can’t produce the hormones required to regulate other systems, giving the impression of a poorly performing thyroid, when in fact it is working fine but lacks the fuel (minerals) to work fully.

Inflammation – somewhere in the body there is inflammation/ infection, particularly from the gut from the foods we eat, such as gluten, caseine in dairy products, and sugar.
In some, this inflammation may be caused by “Leaky Gut“.
Inflammation may also come from injury, I have had a bad back for years, which gets inflamed frequently. Even sitting for extended periods can set it off.
Inflammation may also come from toxins in our bodies, such as
chlorine or fluoride from water (drinking and washing), and toothpaste,
heavy metals, including mercury from dental filings, and in personal care products such as aluminium in deoderants, and who knows what in makeup,
pesticides in the food we eat and drink, especially coffee, and
chemicals we come in contact with such as cleaning fluids, including anti-bacterial soaps, and BPA leaching from plastics.

Inflammation / infection causes antibodies to be produced by the immune system, which in turn can result in an auto-immune response, where the body starts attacking its own organs because it is producing antibodies to attack something that is causing the inflammation, which looks the same or similar to the cells that the organs are made from.

Stress. Stress in all forms causes the body to slow down or shut down many systems, such as the digestive system, that are not needed for a “Fight or Flight” response, and increase those that are needed, such as blood pressure.
Stress causes Cortisol to circulate in the body so that every cell that might be needed is put on standby, but more importantly, it prevents the digestive system from absorbing the nutrients that the body needs, creating deficiencies if the stress is for extended periods.


Food nutrients

The Daily Mineral Requirements matrix breaks down the mineral content of some basic foods that are required to ensure the thyroid, and therefore other systems, are able to work correctly.

The matrix is focused on Iodine, Selenium, MagnesiumZinc and Iron. Other nutrient requirements are generally provided by the same foods that provide these five.

Jan 272017

Video on body systems, how they interact, dealing with Thyroid and Adrenal Fatigue

36 min

Selenium helps detox mercury from body.

Selenium rich foods

  • Bananas
  • Kiwifruit
  • Dates
  • Honeydew melon
  • Grapefruit
  • Mango
  • Papaya
  • Lychee
  • Mulberry
  • Tamarind
  • Jack fruit

What body needs to be healthy

  • Healthy nervous system
  • Regular exercise – lowers stress
  • Good nutrition
  • Good rest


Life after thyroid removal

40 min


How to Have A Healthy Thyroid Gland

38 min

Jan 272017




More  on meals for weigh loss… ·∙
Each meal should include 1-­‐2 potions of lean protein. ·∙
Eat all the low-­‐glycemic veggies you want, at least 6 servings a day

Low Glycemic Veggies (organic):
Beans & Legumes
Brussels sprouts
Green Beans
Green Peppers

Higher Glycemic Veggies (Try to limit):
Celery Root
Red potatoes
Sweet potatoes
White potatoes
Winter squash
If you have a thyroid problem and  have read/heard that cruciferous vegetables like
broccoli, kale, cabbage, rutabaga, and cauliflower are bad because they are goitergenic (ie. they will cause an enlargement)”  theres no need to worry about if your organs are working! (stomach, liver, pancreas, adrenals, etc.)
Cruciferous vegetables are very high in phytonutrients! They eliminate toxins from the body by providing enzymes to help your liver!


Low Glycemic Fruits: (The best are berries and any fruit with a pit)

Higher Glycemic Fruits (Try to limit/avoid):
Dates, dried fruits
Juicing is a NO-­‐NO when attempting to lose weight! You NEED the fiber!!!!

A small serving of good fat with each meal and snack (Coconut oil is the best!!!)
Eat 1-­‐2 snacks per day if needed BUT
Don’t eat after 8pm ·∙
Drink 48-­‐64 oz of water minimum each day ·∙
Have a minimum of 25 grams of fiber a day!

Good Fats:
Coconut oil
Raw Nuts & seeds
Olives/Olive Oil
Peanut Butter
Fish (omega-­‐3…salmon, tuna, etc)


Eat spicy foods,
drink more water,
snack on nuts and seeds,
eat a big breakfast,
eat three meals/day,
eat a lighter dinner,
eat slowly and chew thoroughly,
eliminate  MSG/Modified Food Starch/Natural Flavorings.

Jan 272017

The number One cause of massive inflammation , toxicity and decreased immune response is Acidity.
Body acidity is caused by poor diet, toxins, heavy metals, electromagnetic pollution, dental infections and negative emotions.
You have to be alkaline for your body to heal.

Your body pH has to be between 6.4 – 7.0
Over 7.0 is bad because your body is leeching minerals (calcium, magnesium and others) out of the blood, and as soon as you correct the problem the pH will drop to 4.5 – 5.0

Check body pH by testing first morning urine after 5 am for a period of at least 2 weeks.
It has to be the first morning urine pH after 5 a.m. because you are checking the body’s metabolism.
There are doctors that check salivary pH which is not as accurate as the urine pH because the salivary pH has not metabolized through the body.
Just about EVERY thyroid patient will probably be acidic!
When you’re acidic, your body leaches minerals out of your bones to buffer your blood!
These minerals, calcium, magnesium and trace minerals are VERY IMPORTANT to the thyroid patient because cells of your body need to accept the thyroid hormone, T3, and they cannot accept T3 without an ample supply of minerals.
There are so many medical doctors chasing symptoms by prescribing T4 and T3 medications instead of getting to the CAUSE by addressing the patient’s acidity and low minerals which suppresses T4 and T3.
Many doctors, including some “thyroid experts,” miss this fact completely!

T4 conversion to T3 is dependent on the mineral zinc and low levels of selenium will cause inactivity of T3.
Should one take handfuls of zinc and selenium? NO! You should get it from the food that you eat!
Beef, lamb, veal, crab, shrimp, scallops, oysters, turkey, pumpkin, yogurt, peanuts, sesame and squash seeds all contain high levels of zinc.
Tuna, cod, halibut, sardines, shrimp, salmon, beef, turkey, and lamb are all high in selenium.
Instead of taking handfuls of the medications T3 and T4, why not let good food be a part of our healing process?

When you are acidic, you are at greater risk for heavy metal toxicity which in turn causes a downward spiral of free radicals!
Being acidic creates a welcoming environment for viruses and bacteria to flourish! You may have noticed that you are more susceptible to more colds and flu, this is one of the reasons WHY.

How does one become more alkaline?

Change your diet!
STOP eating junk! NOW!
There is no such thing as “junk food,” there is food and there is junk.
Eat more :
organic vegetables,
lean grass-­‐fed, organic meat,
wild fish and game and
a limited amount of organic fruits.
Preferably, eat only stone fruits or fruits with a pit in it like a peach or plum because they are lower on the glycemic index.
Berries (raspberries, strawberries, blackberries and blueberries) are also low on the glycemic index.
Eat more organic vegetables and drink fresh-­‐squeezed, organic vegetable juice!
Drink good, high-­‐quality water! Avoid tap water as it is full of chemicals.

Jan 272017

Drinking Water

If you are suffering from ANY thyroid disorder, you need to drink more water! You need to be drinking at least ½ oz. of water per lb.  of body weight. If you weigh 150 lbs., you need to drink at least 75 oz. of good, high quality water per day.

DO NOT drink tap water because it is loaded with chemicals, especially fluoride and chlorine.Your body can pick up heavy metals from a variety of sources including trace amounts of heavy metals from tap water.
Stop consuming liquids like coffee, sodas, “energy” drinks, caffeine, and alcohol because they all dehydrate your body. When you are suffering with a thyroid disorder, dehydration is the LAST thing that you want to do to your body!


Fluoride – better not to use a fluoride toothpaste and if the water supply has added fluoride then use filter or bottled water.

Jan 272017

Deodorant – aluminium in deodorant is absorbed through skin- keep aluminium deodorant use to a minimum. Use Essential oil based deoderants

When aluminum is bound to excitotoxins glutamate and/or aspartate, it’s entry into your brain is significantly elevated. Once in the brain, aluminum increases iron-­‐induced free radical activity!

Make-up – know what you are putting on your skin

Anti- bacterial liquid hand soaps – chemicals shown to be toxic


There are other toxic chemicals besides aluminum in your antiperspirant and deodorants?

Antiperspirants and deodorants also contain parabens which can disrupt hormone balance,
triclosan which is a pesticide, propylene glycol that has been shown to damage he heart, liver and central nervous system and finally, phthalates which are linked to a higher risk of birth defects.
Go to your local health food store and get an all-­‐natural  deodorant.

Jan 262017

Adrenal support
A daily multivitamin with B-complex and magnesium as well as a class of herbs called adaptogens (Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, Holy Basil)

10 Signs That Your Adrenals Are On Overdrive

Ashwagandha: The Soothing Adaptogen
Ashwagandha has over 4,000 years of traditional use in India. It is considered both a food and a tonic medicine for improving energy, memory and learning, promoting libido, and preventing premature aging. Ashwagandha is calming and anti-inflammatory. It is used to improve sleep, reduce anxiety, improve memory, and reduce inflammation and oxidative stress (damage from inflammation). It boosts the immune system, is included in the treatment of arthritis and can be beneficial in the treatment of fertility challenges.

Dose: 3 to 6 grams of the dried herb in capsule form daily OR 1 to 4 mL (20-80 drops) of tincture, in water, 3 times per day

Cautions: Not for use in pregnancy; though not likely to be a problem, use cautiously if you are sensitive to plants in the nightshade family; avoid with pharmaceutical sedatives and pain medications.


Rhodiola: The Spirit Calming, Anti-Anxiety Adaptogen
Rhodiola extract helps promote a calm emotional state and supports strong mental performance, optimal immune function, and hormonal balance. It is a key adaptogen for reducing anxiety. It improves mental and physical stamina, improves sleep, and reduces stress, “burn out,” and irritability. It boosts the immune system, decreases the frequency of colds and infections, and reduces inflammation. It is used in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome as well as fibromyalgia. It can be beneficial for poor appetite and as part of a treatment plan for chronic stress headaches.

Dose: 200-400 mg in capsules or tablets daily OR 2-3 mL (40-60 drops) of tincture, in water, 2-3 times daily. Use products standardized to 2-3% rosavin and 0.8-1% salidroside

Cautions: Avoid if you have bipolar depression with manic behavior.


Holy Basil: The Vitalizer
Holy or “sacred” basil has been revered in India for over 5,000 years as an herb that calms the mind and spirit, and promotes longevity. In Ayurvedic medicine it is called Tulsi, which means “incomparable one.” It is used to improve energy and relieve fatigue, for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions, and to lower blood glucose, triglycerides, and cholesterol. Holy basil may also protect the liver, helps with nicotine withdrawal, and elevates the mood, especially providing relief from mild depression. While this herb is related to common basil, it is a different species and common basil is not a substitute.

Dose: 2-3 mL (40–60 drops) of tincture, in water, three times daily

Cautions: None known.


Shatavari: The Hormonal Harmonizer, Queen of Women’s Adaptogens
Shatavari is considered the “Queen of Herbs” in Ayurvedic medicine, where it is beloved as one of the most powerful rejuvenating tonics for women. It is nourishing and calming, as well as hormonally balancing; it is used for irritability and many hormonal imbalances affecting the mood, for example, emotional symptoms of PMS and menopause. It is also used as a fertility tonic and may be used for vaginal dryness, low libido, and sleep problems in perimenopause. In addition, research suggests benefits for improving immunity, antioxidant activity, improved insulin secretion, reduction in gastric acidity, and the prevention of stress ulcers. It has mild estrogenic and cholesterol-lowering effects.

Dose: 2-4 mL (40-80 drops) of tincture, in water, 2-3 times daily

Cautions: Avoid if you have a history of estrogen-receptor positive cancer.


Eleuthero: The Performance and Focus Enhancer
Eleuthero is one of the most well-researched adaptogens. It is used to increase mental alertness and performance, enhance concentration and increase energy and stamina, reduce stress and fatigue, reduce dream-disrupted sleep and insomnia, and enhance immunity and improve detoxification. It is anabolic, which means it helps build muscle and prevents the breakdown of muscle as we age.

Dose: 2-3 g of dried root in capsule daily OR 2-4 mL of tincture, in water, 2-3 times daily

Cautions: There have been rare cases of insomnia reported with Eleuthero; if you have insomnia, either select a different adaptogen, or consider taking only before noon; also Eleuthero is not recommended for those with high blood pressure.


Reishi Mushroom: The Immune Nourisher
Reishi mushrooms are highly regarded in Chinese medicine to nourish and support adrenal function. While Reishi is best known for promoting health immunity, resistance to colds and infections, and reducing inflammation, Reishi also helps support the body’s natural abilities to detoxify from environmental exposures, and also calms the nervous system, promoting deeper, more relaxing and restorative sleep.

Dose: 3-9 grams of the dried mushroom in capsules or tablets daily OR 2-4 mL of reishi tincture, in water 2-3 times daily

Cautions: Avoid with blood thinners and medications that lower blood pressure, based on theoretical risks of drug interactions.


Adaptogens for women

Adaptogens: Herbs for Beating Stress, Fighting Fatigue & Banishing Cravings


Some of Adaptogen products that contain the above herbs include:

Stress Manager (Herb Pharm): A blend of the liquid extracts of Eleuthero root, Reishi fruiting body, Holy Basil leaf, Rhodiola root, and Schisandra berry

Adrenal Health (Gaia Herbs): Capsules with a blend of Ashwagandha, Holy Basil, Rhodiola, Schisandra, and Wild Oats

Vital Adapt (Natura Natural Products): A blend of the liquid extracts of many well-known adaptogenic botanicals including Eleuthrococcus, Rhodiola, Schizandra and Ashwagandha.

HPA Adapt (Integrative Therapeutics): Capsules with a combination of 5 adaptogenic herbs such as rhodiola, Sensoril brand ashwagandha, and eleuthero root extract. (Note: This product is only available through licensed health professionals, so someone would have to order it for you.)


Supply Support

Jan 262017

Thyroid glands nourishment

Ensure your diet and your daily supplements provide you with iodine, selenium, and zinc which are three key nutrients needed by the thyroid gland for basic functioning.

Sea vegetables such as 1 tablespoon of dulse flakes daily provides you with a nice dose of iodine,

Just 1-2 Brazil nuts each day provide you with ample selenium, and

Zinc is found in beef, oysters, dark meat chicken, cashews, pumpkin seeds, almonds, yogurt, and many other sources.

10 things to know about your thyroid

Natural Ways to Help Maintain a Healthy Immune System

8 min